Saturday, July 02, 2005

Big Turkey Shows Off Tail Feathers

A dirt road leads to the gate of the college where I work. Everyday, I walk to and from work on this dirt road. I pass Maasai warriors who work as security guards at a house on the corner. They wear beautiful red pieces of cloth tied around their waists and wrapped around their shoulders. Because they're warriors, they grow their hair long and braid it. Maasai are usually tall and thin and friendly.

I also pass a family of black turkeys every day. Some people are afraid of the turkeys, but they are harmless. They simply walk together, pecking at the ground and occasionally flying up onto walls to move into neighboring yards. This guy likes to puff up his feathers to show how mighty he is. He's lost a tail feather in a fight. Can you see the space where his tail feather used to be?


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