Thursday, July 21, 2005

Coconut Tree

Coconuts grow in bunches at the top of the trees. This tree, in Watamu on the coast, is very, very tall. See the notches carved into the side? To get the coconuts, someone will climb up the tree by putting their feet into these carved “steps.” They cut the coconuts and let them drop to the ground.

Coconuts are sold on the street. For 10 shillings, about 15 cents US, the seller will slice the top off with a very sharp knife. Once the top is removed, you can drink the clear coconut “milk.” Some people use straws or you can simply drink from the coconut.

The nut inside is lined with a soft “meat.” The seller will give you a slice of hard shell to to use like a spoon for scrapping and eating the soft meat. It’s very delicious.


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