Monday, July 11, 2005

Hasan is a Muslim man, 23-years-old, and he is the captain of this wooden Dhow. A dhow is a handmade boat that has been used by people on Kenya's coast for hundreds of years. Hasan and his shipmate, Jamal, take people on rides through the channels of Kenya's coast. They use the sails to gather wind to move the boat. Otherwise, the boat will sit motionless in the water. By moving the sail from side to side, to capture the wind, Hasan and Jamal keep the boat moving.

In shallow water, they have long, long poles that press to the bottom of the channel, to steer the boat clear of Mangrove trees. They are very good fishermen and usually catch their lunch each day, cooking it on the beach for themselves and their guests. They also love to swim and will dive from the boat to un-snag their fishing lines.


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