Saturday, July 23, 2005

Train in Kenya Countryside

When the British governed Kenya, they built railways from Mombasa, on the coast of Kenya, to Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. They ran the railroad to Kisumu, on Lake Victoria, and then northwest into Uganda, to its captial city of Kampala. The railroad was built in the late 1800's and reached Kisumu in 1902. It's now 100 years old! People from India came over to help with the building of the railroads. Many of them stayed in Kenya and their descendants now make up the population of Asians found living throughout the country.

The trains still run over the rails laid by the British and Indian workers. This photo was taken from a car toward the end of the train, or the red caboose (the last car). The countryside is Kenya as the train nears Mombasa. It's fun to take the overnight train from Nairobi to Mombasa. The trip takes 14 hours with lots of stops along the way.


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