Sunday, July 24, 2005

Young Maasai Warrior, Tanzania

This young warrior lives with his extended family in Tanzania. He has been trained to guard their home from lions and other wild animals that might harm their cows, sheeps, goats and donkeys.

I met two Maasai warriors on the road today while walking into Kisumu. They were talking to a boda boda driver (a man who rides people on his bike for a small fee). I hired the boda boda to take me to town. He said the Maasai men were asking him to teach them how to ride a bike! Maasai are pastoralists, which means their tribe has traditionally raised cows, sheep and goats. For hundreds, maybe thousands, of years, the Maasai have moved about the countryside looking for grass for their herds.

When tending to their herds, the Maasai walk, they don't ride bicycles. It's nice these two young Maasai men want to learn something new.


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